Notion - City Clerk SOPs

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The City Clerk Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) outline the processes for managing records, meetings, elections, public records requests, and licensing and permitting. Each SOP describes the purpose and scope, as well as the steps involved in the process. The SOPs for records management, meeting management, election administration, and licensing and permitting all reference the SOP for public records requests. The records management SOP includes creating and classifying records, as well as storing, retrieving, disposing of, monitoring, and auditing records. The meeting management SOP includes preparing for, conducting, and following up after meetings. The election administration SOP includes voter registration, candidate filing, ballot preparation, polling place management, absentee voting, election day procedures, and result certification. The public records requests SOP includes receiving, reviewing, retrieving, redacting, and delivering records, as well as documenting, record keeping, monitoring, and reporting. The licensing and permitting SOP includes application intake, review, and approval, as well as issuing, renewing, monitoring, enforcing, and revoking licenses and permits, along with record keeping and documentation.


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What is the structure of the SOPs?

Each SOP includes the purpose of the SOP, the scope of the SOP, other SOPs that the SOP references and the steps for the specific process.


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10 hours of research
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Notion - City Clerk SOPs

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